the simple proof

A Summer Spent Outdoors

the simple proofThe greatest benefit I receive as a mother,  is uninterrupted time with my family.  I have written many times about my struggle to make the transition from summer time mom to school season mom.  It’s a real conflict I work through with the start of each school year.  While we intentionally seek out as many ways to be outdoors together all year long, we look forward to our summer weeks and make the very most of each one.

the simple proof

Traveling with my children feeds me like nothing else.  Not only have I always had a fondness for visiting new places and now sharing the world with my kids, but realizing what our family gains from so much time outdoors and experiencing the world together motivates us to make travel a priority.  We become closer and more connected by each walk together.  These walks happen across the country and in our own neighborhood. These are the moments I will hold in my heart forever.  I’m doing the best I can to create this space and fall deeply within it as often as life permits.

the simple proof

Aside from my personal stake, I have read many articles over the years on the benefits of travel and being in nature in particular.  Many studies have found the benefits of time spent outdoors in today’s fast paced world. Taking a walk in nature, one can’t help but feel our stress lower. Being outdoors boosts natural serotonin in our brains which in turn makes us happier. Taking a walk outdoors has been know to improve focus by giving our brains a break from the everyday overstimulation in our lives today.  We are all bounced around from being over scheduled and over stimulated.  Each one of us could benefit from a break here, especially our little ones. Scientists and psychologists have studied this, although I believe John Muir says it best:

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.   Our National Parks , 1901

For more reading on travel with kids, here are some of our most read posts:

hiking with kids

road trips with kids

kayaking with kids

national parks with kids

family travel