a bowl full of simple

Birthday Banner

a bowl full of simple

A quick pop in to show you one of our favorite birthday traditions that is simple simple simple!  I picked up one of these cute birthday banners to decorate my oldest’s 1st birthday in 2004.  I bought it from Pottery Barn Kids, unfortunately they don’t sell them any longer, but I’m sure you can find one similar online easily.  Or lots of you crafty talented moms could probably make one in a second!

a bowl full of simple

All I do is hang a picture for each year to the banner.  It is such a sweet memory piece of how they grow.  Now that the kids are older they treasure it and look forward to seeing it hung for their birthdays.  It’s also fun to see how they’ve changed.  My nearly 5ft tall almost 10 year old who is barely over 60#s can’t believe what a chunky monkey he was at one year old!

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple


Buy {or make} banner

Print a photo.

Attach to cardstock

Punch a hole

Tie a string

**I also jot a little note on the back with the date and party theme just for fun**

What are some of your family’s birthday traditions?

Do you do any that your parents did when you were a child?  I’d love to hear!