How Many More?

Everytown for Gun Safety Logo
I like to keep this little site of mine a happy inspiring place.  The foundation of everything I write about here is to share simple beautiful ways to live an intentional life with kids whether it be a recipe for a simple family dinner, an outing with kids, simple easy style for mom or a family travel destination.

On rare occasions however, I feel compelled to use this platform to reach as many people as possible about a topic I can’t get out of my head.  Since December 2012, I can’t help but wonder, how many more will it take until the lawmakers of our country work together to create laws that ensure greater safety for all Americans, and especially innocent children.

How many more? is the very question I ask myself when I hear of another violent gun shooting in our country.  If you haven’t already seen this video, please take a moment to watch and consider joining me to Demand A Plan for Everytown in America.

Thank you for reading The Simple Proof.  Please know, this type of post is not a normal occurrence.  I simply could not sit back any longer remaining silent on this issue.


  1. Thank you for this post! I always enjoy your blog, and as a Mom appreciate you publicizing this important issue.

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