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Blurb Instagram Book | the Simple Proof

Instagram Book by Blurb Books

Blurb Instagram Book I just made my first Blurb book with my instagram feed and let me tell you friends, it was so simple.  Blurb auto populates your book from your instagram feed.  Then I  went in and removed any photos I didn’t want included, added a title and done.  Just. Like. That. They are running a […]

Happy April

A quick pop in to point you towards a great website for finding the perfect April Fool’s Day prank to play on your kids.  She’s got dozens to try depending on the age of your kids.  I’m thinking about the sprinking salt on their toothbrushes, poking holes in straws, or adding a drop of food […]

Stanford Dish Trail

I don’t know how many times I have photographed this tree over the years.  I’ve been on this trail hundreds of times and each time I run past this grand Oak perched high above Stanford University’s Hoover Tower and Palo Alto beyond, it takes my breath away.  I have run or walked the 5.2 miles […]

Emerson Fry

I am really excited to share with you the spring collection from Emerson Fry New York.  It is cool and casual with a touch of sophistication.  There many designers who create beautiful clothes, but these I can actually see a real woman wearing.  You know women who drive carpools, go to the grocery store and […]

Strawberry Shortcake

It sure was a weekend filled with springtime activity.  Dinner with 2 of my favorite ladies left me feeling energized for the weekend Friday.  A floral crown workshop, two perfectly sunny gorgeous days, a couples night, a picnic with our bunnies, some baseball in the yard and new plants in the garden.  What more could […]

Weekend Links | Spring

After an overly full and somewhat uneventful weekend last week left me feeling down, this week’s sunshine, warm weather and new projects have me looking forward to a weekend with my family, good friends, a fun workshop, and hopefully a slightly slower pace to enjoy the amazing and ever gratifying SF Bay Area outdoors.  I’m […]

Getaway | NYC

Last week my husband and I were able to make a business trip into a little bit of a fun getaway trip!  He had meetings all day and I had a few things lined up as well, then we’d rendezvous in the evenings for 3 wonderful date nights including some of our old favorites, new […]