Just Us | June 2013

Yikes!  Can you believe it’s been 2 months since I did a Just Us post?  I completely forgot in April and May.  Life got way crazy at the end of the school year.  I started this challenge to get mom back in the picture in January.  I did well for the first 3 months, fell off for the last 2, but I’m back on for the duration.

a bowl full of simple

I recently read an article titled 25 habits of people that are happy, healthy + successful {which I’d like to think I am – mostly}.  One of the habits is that “they see difficult and challenging situations as opportunities for personal growth.”  While I’m certainly not equating this photography challenge with a ‘difficult situation’ it does bring to mind a phrase I like to keep in my pocket – tomorrow is a new day, you can learn from yesterday and you can always to start all over.  I mean really, it’s ok to mess up.  No one is perfect and well, I rather prefer imperfect people!

a bowl full of simple

The other habit of happy people that this reminded me of is that they ‘start what they finish.’  Yup, that’d be me. I’m not putting pressure on myself that I won’t have all 12 months of Just Us photos, but darn sure I’m going to keep at it and finish what I started.

a bowl full of simple

Both of these along with the 23 other traits cited are great reminders for ourselves, especially as parents.  I actually can’t wait to tell my son {the forever perfectionist} that I messed up not once but twice in this challenge and it’s totally OK.

a bowl full of simple

a bowl full of simple

Just as soon as I let go of them for a minute after not seeing them all week!

Next up in the blog circle for Just Us – June, Natasha Korvink, San Diego, CA




  1. Yeah! Welcome back! I love your philosophy too – so important for us to let our kids know that we make little “mistakes” too. Can’t wait to hear more about camp!

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