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the simple proof

A Summer Spent Outdoors

The greatest benefit I receive as a mother,  is uninterrupted time with my family.  I have written many times about my struggle to make the transition from summer time mom to school season mom.  It’s a real conflict I work through with the start of each school year.  While we intentionally seek out as many ways […]

the simple proof

15 of our Favorite Children’s Books

15 of our favorite children’s books from 2015 just in time for Back to School reading.  This summer’s travel meant loads of time for summer reading.  I am fortunate that my kids love to read.  It is often something they gravitate to on their own without much prodding on my part. Earlier this summer I […]

the simple proof

2 Days in Seattle

Seattle is one of those cities that shows off in the summer and entices the world to move there only to find out there are 9 other months of the year.  I know, I did it once. And yet, still find myself thinking about doing it again. So much has changed since I briefly lived […]

the simple proof

Four Finds | Summer Hats

A departure from travel posts today to share summer hats I’m living in this summer. Hats have always been a conundrum for me.  I love to wear them, but find their all day commitment can be a little stifling, hat head and all. This season, I’ve fully embraced it and have even found wearing hats […]