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Muir Woods

In every walk with nature, one receives far more than one seeks.  – John Muir Muir Woods There was a time in our family life when little moments together were easy to come by.  When we had Saturdays free to play and explore and nap times which offered quiet time at home.  When my oldest […]

Wild the Movie

The Academy Award nominations were announced this past week.  Reese Witherspoon has been nominated for Best Actress for her work in the film, Wild.  I recently saw the movie as an event with an organization I’m involved in called The Impact Guild.  The event was to see the movie together then have a thoughtful discussion […]

Inspiration | Entryways

It’s no secret that I am a certified purger.  Let’s call it professional editor.  I’m constantly in a state of editing our home and find myself incredibly gratified by the look of a clean surface, empty drawer or lightened up closet. There’s something so inviting, like the possibilities are limitless.  I feel like work is […]


Hope your week is off to a good start.  I have so many ideas for posts lined up that it seems a bit of writer’s block has set in.  Does that happen to any of you?  Too many thoughts to know where to start so you don’t!  At least my procrastination this morning has been […]

Handmade Holiday

Each year at Christmas I like to make a handmade gift.  I have made candles, notecards, decadent chocolate truffles, soap, potted paper whites among the favorites over the years.  For more ideas on handmade gifts, you can check out this post about Getting Organized for the Holidays.  I love the creative process of brainstorming what […]

Christmas Tree Hunting

Quite possibly my favorite day of the year.  It rivals swimming in the ocean and snuggling my littles at bedtime. Hunting for our Christmas tree feels that good.  We load everyone up, bring along hot cocoa and often a picnic and head for the hills.  My husband and I have been doing this ever since […]