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This year we celebrate the 236th Independence Day. The Declaration of Independence was signed a long time ago. The fireworks we’ll enjoy tonight are meant to be reminiscent of the ‘bombs bursting in air’ as The United States declared its independence from Britain and America was born. We may not spend a whole lot of […]

Organizing Kids Schoolwork

Organizing Kids School Work When I think about this topic, I find my heart starts to race and the anxiety sets in. I am typically a highly organized person with simple solutions to everyday issues that arise when raising 3 kids. This area though, makes me start to sweat! I always seem to fool myself […]

Greek Yogurt

As I pulled out my tub of greek yogurt for the third time yesterday, I realized just how much I love this product. Greek yogurt is so rich and creamy. It actually seems decadent yet it is so much more nutritionally complete than it’s traditional cousin. In just 6 oz., greek yogurt packs in 18 […]

June Garden

We came home from our Family Vacation to a garden bursting with new growth. It always amazes me how fast the garden can take off in a week’s time when the weather heats up. In Northern CA, June is often fogged in so one never knows when it will heat up! With warm temps and […]

Summer Camp

It’s the 1st day of Summer Camp here in our house. With two kids off to the same day camp, odds are high we’ll come home with less than we packed! Especially with the last day of the week being a camp-out. I pulled out my labels yesterday and plastered ‘Matthews’ everywhere. Here are some […]

a bowl full of simple

A Bowl Full of Simple

I am so thrilled to be here! This is going to be an exciting new adventure! I am a 30 something (for now) mother of 3 amazing children and extremely picky eaters! If it weren’t for my dear husband eating and loving everything I make, I may have given up cooking for this family long […]