One of my very favorite aspects of summer is my veggie garden. I can’t express how content it makes me to walk out to the garden, pick some veggies and serve them up for my family. One of my life’s simplest pleasures. Upon returning home after a week away, I can’t wait to sink my hands into the earth. I found zucchinis the size of bowling pins, strawberries plants bursting with red juiciness, green and yellow beans waiting to be picked and pickled too. The best way to return home. Conversely, one of my least favorite things about being away is coming home is going to the grocery store. Nothing quite kills the vay-cay buzz as grocery shopping!
Tonight, I fixed that problem with serving up only items that were either leftover in my fridge or found in my garden. This made me unbelievably happy. I’m already a big fan of the Sunday night clean-the-fridge-out and if you follow me on instagram, you’ve also seen a glimpse at this evening meal as well. I call it Summertime Salad Deconstructed. Deconstructed is my way of convincing myself my kids aren’t as picky eaters as they really are and this is all in the name of avant gourmet eating. But let’s be realistic, my kids don’t like stuff mixed in, period. Deconstructed it is. A take on a Nicoise salad and perfect for a Meatless Monday meal it was. I hope it inspires you to see what’s hiding in your fridge and make something lovely out of what at first seems like nothing. It sure beats ordering out any day. Enjoy!
Leftover store bought pesto
Brown rice fusilli pasta from the pantry
Potatoes for roasting sweet, pink, yukon, and purple
In my fridge, baby carrots, avocado, arugula, eggs, cucumber, yellow bell pepper
From the garden, green and yellow beans and tomatoes
Grown-ups layered it all on top. Kids plated it separate. Everyone happy.