Recently though, I took an overnight away. And guess what, they all survived. They even took showers! In all seriousness, I am so grateful for the 36 hrs with girlfriends. It was a treat to talk a day away, laughing and playing and most importantly not considering when I need to pick someone up or when another kid is going to call or expect a meal.
More than fun and a day away from my mom duties though, was the ability for me to connect with friends. I feel like the older I get, the less I see my friends. We are all in a stage of life where kids dominate our schedules, commitments leave little time for family, and less for friends. I am so careful to protect and carve out family time for us which is so important to me, but after that, there isn’t much left. Working for myself at home doesn’t help matters as I don’t have the daily social interactions I did when I was working outside the home or when the kids were little and we spent hours with friends watching the kids play in the sandbox, climb around at gym class, or poolside during swim lessons.
Friendships today are different. They are less about proximity than when the kids were younger. We are all women trying to raise happy little people and do it as peacefully as can. This determination however, can leave women like me missing out on something so very important, quality time with girlfriends. I am lucky enough to have had this overnight away to reflect on the importance of self-care, to be with cherished friends, and to bear in mind how important time for connection with those you love is in my life. “Give Time” has been on my mind a lot lately. This lent, I’ve once again challenged myself to 40 Acts. For the second year, I’ve been following along on their #40acts challenge to “do lent generously.” It’s not about generosity in terms of money, but in terms of time, your time. If you’d like to see the daily challenges, they can all be found at 40 acts. This year, I was especially called towards act 6, act 18, act 22, and act 33. While I have not completed all of them, following along has helped me consider where my time is spent and how I can share more of it with others. Wishing you a Happy Easter.
More thoughts on motherhood including, Stop Worrying Momma and I Want to Remember.
Oh this is so true. My mom keeps talking to me about how you’re only a mom of little kids for so many years, and if you give up too much of yourself along the way, you’ll be lost for many years to come. I’m guessing she must feel that way because she’s always reminding me to do more for me. Thanks for your simple reminders too. I love that you got to enjoy a getaway with friends!