In every walk with nature,
one receives far more
than one seeks.
nbsp;– John Muir
Muir Woods
There was a time in our family life when little moments together were easy to come by. When we had Saturdays free to play and explore and nap times which offered quiet time at home. When my oldest entered grade school I began to notice the shift. We were spending more time at organized activities, practices, commitments and less time at home. We were able to keep a handle on it and carve out plenty of time for our family, but year after year this has been more difficult to do. I see and hear about young mothers being “in the moment” and remember what that was like all too well. I long for those days at times when things were just a bit slower paced and we had more control of our own time. I know we can and do still have this, we just need to work for it a little more these days.
This past year has been the most difficult in terms of keeping our family time a priority. With three kids each involved in a sport, I’ve been guarding those days that we are able to secure for just us five. This Sunday was one of those days. Dates and commitments kept trying to creep in, but I stood my ground. No one was allowed to put anything on our schedule, no play dates, no work emails, no errands. And while we are a family that truly love to be at home in our PJs all day, I knew that a day trip is what we all really needed.
So off to Muir Woods we went. What I didn’t anticipate was just how grand it would be. A quick drive from home surrounded us in the beauty of nature as tourists in our own home town. Here are some shots of the spectacular Muir Woods. There is a hike perfect for any age or ability here starting with the boardwalk at the base of Cathedral Grove or for the more adventurous, I love the hike all the way to Stinson Beach. I don’t believe you can go to Muir Woods too often. I’ve been dozens of times over the years and it never ceases to amaze me. Especially as seen through the eyes of my children.
Gorgeous photos, I love this! Can’t believe I’ve never been with my own kids.
Hi Heather! Thank you. make a trip out there, it’s so peaceful and literally a hike for everyone.